Sunday, December 13, 2009

Exhibtion Dec 09 Summer Set House

Some Lacey images i took - thought it went with the theme romance.Tanxx

Jacket construction

Almost finished picture of my jacket

Final Flat Drawings

Script for Crit :)

Friday Meeting

The order of our crit.
Trend books (figure out the order)

Table infront of tutors - business plan
i can bring a netbook so we can show our blog???
and trendbooks on computer or real

On the big grey boards have half amelia's and my stuff illustration boards
Bring anything romantic or grunge for the board like jewellery or anything heart - love related.

Then designers
Table-sketchbooks ect
Designers talk about how they've captured the theme

Then mini catwalk
Models walk in an oval so the tutors can see back sides front ect
Sophie said she could bring in her ipod dock so we can have music with it ...something different

what we've enjoyed?
What we thought was good /

Meet at 9 bring any hair and make up stuff ...
hopefully my model should be completely ready coz i live with her so i can help set up stuff
I've brought sticky tape so we can put the mood boards up

Any ideas for anything else ?????
Two days and its all over :) :)

Riot Rose Garment Tech First Fit Report.

Riot Rose Garment Tech info.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just want to share with you a pic of the bumble bee that landed in my toile today!!!!!!! I think it wanted to hibernate in the rose! silly bee..

Amelia x

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I love the logo I will put it into our buisness plan! An both of your flat drawings are really good did you do them on keledo or illustrator? I need to do some flat drawings for my trend book too and im rubbish on both! Sophie x