Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Meeting 7/10/09...

Today we had our first group meeting to discuss the project and jot down any ideas as a starting point!! We have decided to narrow down trends we're interested in so that promoters can make their trend books and theme boards more relevant and specific to our designs!

We are loving the grunge,dark vampy trend, and thought this would be good to embody bad memories so all things black, dark, maybe even looking into being trapped and constricted which is a good starting point for our jacket designs. We then jumped to a romantic trend which would compliment our 'mini collection' as a contrast to a darker trend. In which we can look at good memories.

Other Ideas we had were to look to other Areas other than textiles, as we now do not have a textile student secure. So we are thinking illustrators, model makers, and photographers. Possibly looking to the technique of photo emulsion onto fabric.

Our next meeting is on friday, and we are aiming to create our critical path together, and also me and tanya are going to start designing a couple to give promoters some direction.

Amelia x

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