Monday, October 12, 2009

Romance research!

After our first meeting we all went off to research an I started looking at next years trends and looking for images that I thought represented the romantic sort of fashion to represent our good memories! I particularly looked for sheer soft looking fabrics with delicate details such as ruffles. I did notice when I was searching for images that alot of the designers are using lots of ruffles and pleats next season!

Here are some of the images that I collected..

This image is from Yves Saint Laurent's spring collection!


The fabrics in valentinos new collection are amazing and the colours he's used work really nice together in the collection!

Victor & Rolf

This collection was really cool because there were still lots of pretty details using pleating and again really soft sheer fabrics, but this collection was very exagerrated but all of the outfits were really cool I think we could get alot of inspiration from this collection!

These are just a few of the images I have collected I am going to save the rest for our moodboard! But let me know what you think guys because you might have a different idea for romance fashion? So I can research wot everyone wants to include!

Sophie x

1 comment:

  1. yeah i really like that stuff!!! espesh the viktor and rolf one at the end!!!!!! i love that jacket. burberry did a lot of draping and stuff in their spring/summer collection which is cool, i had a really good tutorial with sarah james on friday who said about the movement of memories and how sometimes you glorify them to be better than what they were, or vice versa if they were bad! so all the exaggerated stuff is really cool!!
